Na Vase prani, pridavam dalsi tutorial jak si usit kulaty kosicek. Je to super jednoduchy projekt, ktery zvladne i zacatecnik.
I had a few requests for instructions on how to make round basket.
This is super- easy project for beginners.
Kosicek lze udelat v jakekoliv velikosti a je oboustranny.
Baskets can be made in any size and they are fully reversible.
2 kolecka latek o prumeru 25.5cm pouzila jsem plastove viko do mikrovlnky :) latky 100% bavlna
1 kolecko 25.5cm nazehlovaciho vlizelinu - hrubsiho (ne ten tenoucky)
pasek latky na lemovani 6.5cm siroky x 53cm dlouhy.
2 pieces of 100% cotton fabric cut into circle 10" diameter
1 pieces of fusible wadding (pelon) 10" circle
strip of fabric for binding 2.5" wide x 21" long.
Vlizelin nazehlin na rub ruzove latky, na nej prilozim kolecko z modre a sespendlim.
Fuse the wadding to the wrong side of pink fabric circle. Place blue fabric circle on top right side up.
Na stroji co nejdelsim stehem v krajicku presiju kolem dokola celkem
dvakrat s malym rozmezim od sebe at muzu pri potahnuti dvou vrchnich niti narasit. Nechte si delsi nit na zacatku siti i na konci at mate za co zatahnout! :)
Using long straight stitch sew around very close to the edge. Stitch a second stitch close to the first stitch. Don't forget to leave your threads longer so you can pull them to gather fabric around.
Opatrne potahnete za obe dve nitky a naraste kolem dokola.
Gently pull the two ends of thread on the wrong side, the fabric will gather along the thread.
Dlouhy pasek na lemovani, prelozim na pul a prezehlim rubem k sobe. Naspendlim kolem dokola.
Press the binding strip in half lengthwise with wrong sides facing. Pin binding to the outside of the basket and stitch in place.
Na konci pasek sespendlim a sesiju na stroji.
At the end of binding pin it and sew it together.
Na stroji presiju kolem dokola.
Stitch the binding in place.
Lem prehnu dovnitr kosicku a rucne prisiju.
Fold the binding over to the inside of basket and stitch by hand.
Ta daa a mame to hotovo! :)
Ta daa and it's done! :)
Pokud pouzijete muj tutorial/navod, zanachte prosim odkaz na svych strankach na muj blog.
Rada uvidim vase tvoreni :) Mejte se krasne!
If you use my tutorial please leave a link to my blog. I would like to see your creation. Happy stitching!