Okno katedraly, takle jse jmenuje tenhle barevny jehelnicek. Pro nektere hlavolam, ale hlavolam to neni! Je opravdu jednoduchy, neverite? Je to vic prekladani nez siti :)
Sablona vystrihla z tvrdeho papiru 9" (palec) ctverec.
Paper template 9" inches square.
Z bile latky vystrihly 10.5 " ctverec.
Cut your white fabric 10.5" square.
Preloz kazdy roh latky pres roh papirove sablony.
Fold all 4 corners over the edge of the template.
Prezehli vsechny rozky smerem dovnitr.
Iron all corners into place.
Preloz kazdou hranu smerem dovntir a prezehli.
Fold the edges down and iron. Repeat for other three sides.
Po prezehleni vypada takto.
Looks like this now.
Vytahnete papirovou sablonu.
Remove paper template.
Preloz na pul a prezehli.
Fold in half and press.
Preloz druhou stranu napul a prezehli. Kdyz otevreme ukaze se nam kde je stred a vypada to takto.
Fold the opposite way and press. When you open we can see where is centre and looks like this.
Preloz kazdy vnejsi roh do stredu a prezehli.
Fold the outer corners in and press. Repeat with other three corner.
Bude vypadat takto.
It will look like this.
Ted udelej to same znovu. Preloz kazdy roz dovnitr a prezehli.
Now do it again. Fold each corner in and press.
Z barevne latky vystrihni 4.25" palcu ctverec a poloz dovnitr.
Cut colorful 4.25" square and place inside.
Zavri a presij v obou smerech jen 1/2" aby drzel stred.
Close and stitch in both directions only 1/2" to secure in centre.
Vyber barevne odstrizky a priloz.
Choose your favorite scraps and place on.
Priloz barevne odstrizky a prehni bilou latku pres barevnou. Samo se to hezky podda, muzes prispendlit ale sije se to lepe bez spendliku.
Place fabric in place and fold over the side. It will fall into a nice curve. You can pin it but it is easier to sew it without the pins.
Zacni sit od stredu v krivce bile latky. Opakuj az jsou vsechny prisite.
Starting at the top of the curve sew it into place. Repeat until all done.
Otoc a zarovnej.
Turn around and trim.
Vyber latku na zadni stranu jahelnicku a vystrihni ve stejne velikosti.
Choose your backing fabric and cut same size.
Poloz licem k sobe a presij kolem dokola ale nechej 3" otvor na protahnuti a vyplneni.
Place right side together and sew around leaving 3" gap open for turning and stuffing.
Zrovnej hrany a sestrihni rozky. Po presiti z druhe strany vypada takto.
Trim the excess, cut corners.
Pretahni vnitrek ven, vytlac rozky, pouzivam male nuzky nebo ostrou tuzku. Napln jahelnicek a presij otvor rucne, tak at stehy nejdou moc videt.
Turn pincushion inside out and with little scissor or pencil push corners to form them sharp. Stuff with polyester filling and close gap by hand stitching.
Do stredu prisij knoflik a je to hotovo!
Add button and it's done!
If you make this pincushion please leave a link on your site to my blog and I would love to see your creation :)
Pokud pouzijete muj navod zanechnte prosim odkaz na vasich strankach na muj blog. Rada bych videla vas usity jehelnicek :)
Pokud pouzijete muj navod zanechnte prosim odkaz na vasich strankach na muj blog. Rada bych videla vas usity jehelnicek :)